2023 VA Annual APCO/NENA/Interoperability Fall Conference & Expo
October 25-27, 2023
110 Shenandoah Avenue Northeast | Roanoke, Virginia: The Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center
Starting October 25th, this event for public safety communications officials, from frontline telecommunicators to communications center managers, will offer three days of educational sessions, committee meetings, and special events, paired with two days of exhibits featuring over 50 public safety communications equipment and services vendors.
Attendees can earn CEUs from professional development tracks with individual sessions focused on frontline telecommunicators, leadership development, communications center management, cutting-edge issues, interoperability, technology, radio, cybersecurity, and more.
Come network and get involved! Eventide dealer Carolina Recording Systems (CRS) will see you there!
For more information and to register, visit: https://web.cvent.com/event/629431e2-55bb-43ca-a0f5-8a956377b4fc/summary?fbclid=IwAR3a-v_lpLoAj9ZAEhjb7s0dlIfcOQxbHdLh2hDyC2YgStKWYjHhOtIuGz4