Cloud-Native 911 Call Handling Recording

As Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) transition to cloud-hosted 911 call-handling systems, understanding the implications for recording requirements, features, and budgets is crucial. Cloud-hosted 911 systems are increasingly common in the public safety sector, offering capabilities beyond traditional on-premises setups. As part of this latest transition to NG911 technology, Eventide Communications has full support for cloud-based 911 call-handling equipment. This includes our cloud-native recording solutions as well as the NexLog DX-Proxy for on-premises delivery of critical information originating in the cloud. This blog provides an overview of cloud-hosted 911 call handling and the necessary adaptations for recording infrastructure to ensure compliance and operational efficiency.

Cloud-hosted 911 call handling involves shifting the management of emergency calls from local, on-premises systems to cloud-based platforms. In this setup, critical functions like call routing, processing, and data storage are managed remotely in secure data centers provided by third-party cloud providers. This model allows PSAPs to access advanced features such as multimedia support, enhanced location accuracy, and real-time analytics via the Internet. The cloud-based approach enhances scalability, redundancy, and availability, ensuring uninterrupted operations even during local disruptions. Additionally, it simplifies management, reduces reliance on physical hardware, and facilitates easier updates and integration with other cloud services.

As call handling shifts to the cloud, recording infrastructure must evolve. Unlike premise-based systems, where recording is tied to on-site equipment, cloud-based recording must integrate with decentralized platforms and manage diverse media types. Recordings must be captured from various cloud-based services and securely stored in remote data centers, requiring robust encryption, secure data transmission, and scalable, redundant systems to ensure continuous availability. Eventide Communications offers both premise-based and cloud-hosted recording solutions that integrate seamlessly with leading cloud-hosted 911 systems, ensuring compliance with recording standards while leveraging cloud technology's advanced features.

Transitioning to cloud-hosted 911 systems does not mean losing essential features that PSAPs rely on. Eventide's NexLog DX-Series ensures that key functionalities like Geo Mapping, Agent Mapping, and Quality Assurance integrations remain intact and are enhanced by cloud capabilities. These features are crucial for effective incident research and analysis, whether data is stored on-premises or in the cloud. NexLog DX-Series supports a smooth transition to cloud-hosted environments while preserving comprehensive management of communications data.

Cloud-hosted 911 systems enable the integration of rich media, such as videos, photos, and detailed location data. Capturing and securely storing this variety of media is essential for creating a complete and accurate record of incidents. This includes not just 911 call recordings but also LMR traffic showing the PSAP’s response, as well as alarm company calls to 10-digit phone numbers, which require the same attention. Tagging recordings with CAD data is also crucial, as it speeds up the retrieval of specific 911 calls. While most CAD systems are deployed on-premises, screen capture of CAD performance is vital for Quality Assurance/Improvement programs. Eventide’s recording solutions integrate all media types, ensuring that PSAPs maintain a complete view of every interaction — essential for operations, forensic analysis, litigation support, and long-term data retention.

Transitioning to cloud-hosted 911 systems may introduce additional costs related to recording and data storage, including expenses for enhanced security, redundancy, and new cloud-based features. Eventide’s NexLog DX-Series offers flexible, cost-effective recording solutions tailored to specific needs, whether maintaining an on-premises setup or adopting a hybrid (on-premises and cloud) or fully cloud-based model. Proper budgeting ensures that PSAPs can benefit from cloud-hosted systems without exceeding financial constraints.

Eventide Communications provides recording solutions that integrate with all major cloud-hosted 911 systems. This ensures PSAPs can capture and manage the full spectrum of multimedia data, whether using new market entrants like Carbyne and NGA911 or established providers such as Intrado, Motorola Vesta, and Solacom. Eventide’s NexLog DX-Series supports the unique requirements of cloud-native recording, offering secure data transmission and scalable, redundant storage solutions so PSAPs can maintain operational continuity, compliance, and efficiency.

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