Kentucky Emergency Services Conference 2024

September 3-6, 2024
Louisville, Kentucky, USA | Crowne Plaza Louisville Airport

Eventide Communications will be represented by Nelson Systems at the Kentucky Emergency Services Conference (KESC) 2024 at the Louisville Airport Crowne Plaza Hotel and Expo Center. Visit Nelson Systems at Booth #51!

This conference is essential for emergency services professionals and includes:

  • Leadership Sessions: Covering topics like “Leadership within the 911 Center.”
  • Emergency Planning: Workshops on continuity of operations and disaster management.
  • Specialized Training: Sessions on P.T.S.D., suicide prevention for responders, and more.
  • Networking Opportunities: Exhibits and events, including a Block Party.

For more details and to register, visit Kentucky Emergency Services Conference 2024.

Nelson Systems looks forward to seeing you in Louisville at Booth #51!

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