Eventide Communications Advocates for the Future of Emergency Response with iCERT at IWCE 2024

LITTLE FERRY, New Jersey, January 25, 2024 – Eventide Communications, a recognized leader in mission-critical recording systems, is set to participate in the International Wireless Communications Expo (IWCE) 2024 in Orlando, Florida, highlighting its commitment to the future of emergency response technologies.
As an active corporate member of the Industry Council for Emergency Response Technologies (iCERT), Eventide Communications is at the forefront of recording technologies that enhance public safety communications. The company supports various iCERT events and initiatives, including their upcoming “PSAP of the Future” showcase, sponsored by iCERT and IWCE, which will be featured at the IWCE 2024 Expo Hall March 27-28.
“PSAP of the Future” is a conceptual model for Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) that emphasizes technological innovation, integration, and efficiency in handling emergencies. This initiative aims to transform modern digital communication technologies and envisions a future where PSAPs go beyond traditional voice calls, utilizing text, video and data for emergency responses. The goal is to create a more responsive and efficient emergency response environment that can adapt to the evolving needs and expectations of the public.
Eventide’s NexLog DX-Series recording solutions support this vision, offering precise capture and documentation of emergency communications crucial for accurate incident reconstruction, quality assurance, and legal compliance. Dedicated to the future of public safety technologies and operations, Eventide innovates for PSAPs of the future with NG911 integrations, system interoperability, data security, scalability and exceptional local customer support.
Visitors to IWCE 2024 are invited to the Eventide Communications booth to discover how their reliable and innovative recording solutions are driving change and supporting Public Safety Answering Points. “We are excited to showcase Eventide’s capabilities along with our integration partners, Carbyne, NGA 911 and Zetron, in ‘PSAP of the Future,’” says Eventide’s VP of Sales, Mark Traeger. PSAP professionals won’t want to miss the “PSAP of the Future” feature exhibit at the International Wireless Communications Expo.
For more information on Eventide Communications’ latest innovations for PSAPs and their promotion of the “PSAP of the Future” initiative, please visit http://eventidecommunications.com/psapofthefuture.
For more information on IWCE 2024, please visit https://iwceexpo.com/
About Eventide Communications LLC
For over 50 years, Eventide Communications has been a premier U.S. manufacturer of advanced mission-critical recording systems. We are dedicated to delivering reliable, secure, and efficient solutions to meet the demanding needs of all mission-critical sectors, including DoD, government, federal agencies and beyond.
Brad Basile
Chief Operating Officer
Eventide Communications LLC
(201) 641-1200, Ext: 2590